DürkoppAdler 1962 Hemdenleisten Automat-Shirt Frontline Unit

DürkoppAdler 506 Riegler für Sicherheitsgurte mit Brenneinrichtung

DürkoppAdler 971 NA1 Patten Automat mit Schneid und Nähkopf
DürkoppAdler 971 NA 1 Patten Automat mit Schneid und Nähkopf
Dürkopp Adler 275-140042
1 needle lock stitch machine with differential top feed, thread cutter, foot lifter, backtack, autom. and Efka DC 1500

Dürkopp Adler 749
automatic unit for side seems on trousers

Dürkopp Adler 961-24
special shirt machine for sewing cuffs

Dürkopp Adler 550-16-2
postbed sleeve setting machine with thread cutter, foot lifter and backtack, with ruffling device by optical lights
Dürkopp 212-15105
1 neelde lock stitch machine with needle feed and thread cutter

Dürkopp 547
post bed basting machine