"Sew perfectly – automatically“ our claim for your machines and systems.
We buy and sell industrial sewing machines.
Constantly we have large stocks of new and used sewing machines and special machines.
We recondition second hand machines, provide the relevant service and distribute accessories and spare parts.
On request we can offer new machines of every make.
Constantly on stock are several models of machines from JUKI, BROTHER, SIRUBA, PFAFF, SINGER, DÜRKOPP-ADLER etc.
Find out our new items and get your pervectly Machines for your Business right here
Pfaff 5487-814/01-706/02-703/01-733/11-39/2-910/04-913/52-960/64 BSx6,0
by Edgar | Apr 10, 2015 | Pfaff
1 needle chainstitch machine with front edge cutter and binding device, tapecutter and foodlifter
Renown DTN-45
by Edgar | Apr 10, 2015 | Renown
2 needle chainstitch elastic setter machine with front metering device and backpuller needle gauge 6mm
Pfaff 487-6/41
by Edgar | Apr 10, 2015 | Pfaff
1 needle lockstitch with differential topfeed
Pfaff 442-748/56-900
by Edgar | Apr 10, 2015 | Pfaff
2 needle lockstitch machine with threadcutter and pullerfeed needlegauge 22,0 mm
Pfaff 483-748/56-900/99-910-911
by Edgar | Apr 10, 2015 | Pfaff
1 needle chainstitch machine with edgecutter and binding device
Pfaff 3306-966/11
by Edgar | Apr 10, 2015 | Pfaff
button setter
Adler 168-3204
by Edgar | Apr 8, 2015 | DürkoppAdler
1 needle high postbed (32cm) machine with roller
Pfaff 417-706/02-6/41-BSN24
by Edgar | Apr 8, 2015 | Pfaff
1 needle lockstitch topfeet machine with 10mm zig-zag width
Union Special 5700 APZ
by Edgar | Apr 8, 2015 | Union Special
1 needle chainstitch, decorativ stitch machine
Juki MO816-DD4
2 needle 5 thread safety machine